Margin Overview by Exchanges - Margin and Portfolio Margin Accounts

This table provides an aggregate margin overview by exchange for all assets that are margined by Standardized Portfolio Analysis of Risk (SPAN) only. The Initial and Maintenance values show the total of all margin from all account segments (Securities and Commodities) in the currency of the exchange. For your convenience, totals are also displayed in base currency.

This section is the same for Margin and Portfolio Margin accounts. It does NOT appear on Margin Reports for Cash accounts.

Commodities Regulatory Margin Reports

Commodities Regulatory Margin Reports breaks out values into Domestic and Foreign sections.

Column Description
Currency The currency denomination for the specific product held.
Exchanges The exchanges that list the product.
Initial The initial margin requirement.
Maintenance The maintenance margin requirement.
Initial in Base The initial margin requirement converted to base currency. This column does not appear in the Commodities Regulatory Margin Report.
Maintenance in Base The maintenance margin requirement converted to base currency. This column does not appear in the Commodities Regulatory Margin Report.

Total amounts of Initial and Maintenance Margin in your base currency are displayed at the bottom of this section.